Archive for the ‘Flash Fiction’

Birthday Wishes

June 15, 2011 By: Christopher D. Eldridge Category: Flash Fiction, Love

After a couple of long, exhaustive guides, I wanted to post up a creative piece that’s short and fun. So for today’s post, I have for you a short story I wrote as a gift for my wife’s birthday, which means it also happens to be romantic. And who doesn’t need a little more romance in their life?

Flash Fiction Month – 4

April 25, 2011 By: Christopher D. Eldridge Category: Characters, Emotion & Viewpoint, Flash Fiction

To wrap up flash fiction month and the first full month of spring, here is a personal piece I wrote for my then future wife. I think it is fitting to end spring with a story such as this.

Flash Fiction Month – 3

April 18, 2011 By: Christopher D. Eldridge Category: Flash Fiction, Writing Craft

For today’s flash fiction piece, here’s something a little lighter than what I had the previous two weeks. The theme for this story is a run-on sentence, so take a deep breath before you dive in. Enjoy.


Flash Fiction Month – 2

April 11, 2011 By: Christopher D. Eldridge Category: Flash Fiction, Writing Craft

To continue this month’s theme of flash fiction, here is another short story under five hundred words.


Flash Fiction Month – 1

April 04, 2011 By: Christopher D. Eldridge Category: Flash Fiction, Writing Craft

April is spring time. A time of new beginnings. A time when many animals give birth, trees bud, and flowers bloom. For me, as a writer, I would consider college to be my spring and more specifically, my April. This is the time when I first found my voice.

So in honor of the first real month of spring, I am going to have an entire month dedicated to flash fiction. This is because my favorite creative writing professor in college challenged me, a long-winded epic fantasy writer, to create short stories of around five hundred words or less. I came to enjoy these weekly exercises,  and writing such succinct literary pieces, helped me to find my voice as a writer.


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