Flash Fiction Month – 4
To wrap up flash fiction month and the first full month of spring, here is a personal piece I wrote for my then future wife. I think it is fitting to end spring with a story such as this.
To wrap up flash fiction month and the first full month of spring, here is a personal piece I wrote for my then future wife. I think it is fitting to end spring with a story such as this.
Historically, humans have been thought to be distinguished from other animals by love, a particular form of social attachment, for which we often live and die for. Until recently, the word love has been primarily reserved to the realm of poets, philosophers and more recently psychologists.
People always ask me, “Why haven’t you finished your story yet? What’s taking you so long?”
For those of you who’ve never tried to write a novel before, let me educate you. To most, writing a novel seems a simple enough venture. But then try writing one. Then try getting it published.